Wednesday, April 26, 2006

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

I read in an article recently that referenced Carl Sagan and his saying that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". I think many people would consider Jesus' miracles to be in that category. They were extraordinary (walking on water, healing blind people, multipling bread, etc.). And so people say that they need really good evidence to believe them.

What struck me just now is that Jesus actually used his miracles as the "extraordinary evidence". That is to say that Jesus had some extraordinary claims and one of the ways he backed those claims up was through his miracles, the greatest being the resurrection. (If you are who you say you are, show us a miracle. - pharisees. No miracle will be given except that of the prophet Jonah. - Jesus)

Since we are removed from the actual physical evidence today (back then, people could point to Lazarus for instance), we are left with first trying to prove the miracles, and then from there showing that Jesus' words were true. Interesting.


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